Deceptive prices at stadium

The “take a can” stands (similar to this type of stand in Chicago that’s pictured) in the concourses at Milwaukee’s baseball stadium will display prices for its drinks available that do not include the tax, it gets added on at purchase.

Canned alcoholic beverages have been increasingly available at the baseball stadium in Milwaukee since the last decade. Where in the past, way in the past (like the old stadium), canned beer would be allowed but only from in-seat vendors and must be poured into a waxed/paper cup before being served to the fan.

Nowadays, canned alcohol at this ballpark just has to account for the vast majority of the drink sales and is available mainly from the in-seat vendors, cart vendors on the concourses and from “take a can” stands which have been around at the stadium for about five years now. It’s been found to be more convenient as fans are permitted to keep their can thus eliminating the pouring from the server, and cans must be opened while given to the fan at purchase.

So now with alcohol in aluminum cans being a high desired product at Milwaukee’s stadium, it has resulted in some identical drink products that are available for purchase from both the stadium in-seat beer vendors AND from the “take a can” stands on the concourses. The five main ones are:

  • Domestic 16 ounce cans
  • Miller Lite
  • Coors Light
  • Miller High Life
  • Premium 16 ounce cans
  • Leinenkugel’s Summer Shandy
  • Seltzer 16 ounce cans
  • Vizzy Hard Seltzer

Vendor or stand, there are absolutely no physical differences between these above five varieties; example, a Coors Light purchased from a vendor is the same Coors Light that could be purchased from a “take a can” stand, etc.. As for the prices of where you get these respective drinks from, well, that’s where it can get a little perplexing. Let’s start with the vendors; in 2024, the listed prices of the drinks available from the Milwaukee stadium vendors (both “in-seat” & vendors who sell from carts on the concourses) are in the form of a round price button worn on the vendor’s shirt (that’s how vendors have been displaying the prices of the products they’ve been selling for decades now). The prices of the drinks available from the “take a can” stands are usually listed in one of two ways; either at the front of the particular shelf of that available variety for purchase, or the prices are listed on a sign within the vicinity of the stand.

The price buttons worn on the shirts of Milwaukee baseball stadium beer vendors include the 8.4% tax in the price of the drinks they sell. Again, vendors mean both the “in-seat” beer vendors and vendors who sell from carts on the concourses. This all means that the 2024 drink prices from these said workers are $11.99 for a domestic beer and $13.29 for a premium or seltzer drink as listed on the vendors’ price buttons*. So, with the vendors, the price you see, is indeed the price you pay!

When you go to the “take a can” stands on the concourses at Milwaukee’s baseball stadium, there are displayed prices at those stands that do not include the 8.4% tax in those displayed prices* incidentally, and they are $10.99 for those exact same domestic beers you can get from the vendors and $12.29 for the two everyday premium & seltzer drinks that are also made available from the vendors. If you compare the prices from those two sales outlets, it would look like you’re saving a dollar at the “take a can” stand, but you are indeed not. So, let’s now do the math;

16 ounce domestic beer from in-seat or cart vendors – $11.99 which includes 8.4% tax.

16 ounce domestic beer from “take a can” stands – $ 10.99 plus 8.4% tax would equal 92 cents added on making the total, $11.91. Savings of 8 cents!

16 ounce premium drink from in-seat or cart vendors – $13.29 which includes 8.4% tax.

16 ounce premium drink from “take a can” stands – $12.29 plus 8.4% tax would equal $1.03 added on making the total, $13.32. A price increase of 3 cents!

So there you have it! Fans who get their drinks from the “take a can” stands won’t get to see the tax being added on to their purchase until the time of purchase, that is, after they grab their desired can out of the glass door coolers there and by bringing it to the computer screen just feet away within the stand itself (where the tax is finally being shown to the customer) for purchase. It should also be known, there are other drinks available at those particular stands that are not available from vendors. In addition to the above mentioned drink products, vendors carry long island ice tea and new daiquiri products while other stands throughout Milwaukee’s baseball stadium carry varieties of other drinks.

So, how did we get up to this 8.4% tax anyway? Wasn’t the buzz this year was that the Milwaukee sales tax is 7.9% effective the start of 2024? Well. a lot has to be explained; true, the price of sales & use tax on a purchase in Milwaukee, WI is now at 7.9%# & up from the 5.5% that was last year. The City of Milwaukee raised their tax 2% and Milwaukee County raised their tax 0.4% that went into effect on 1/1/24. Without getting too much in to detail, these tax increases were a result of a shared revenue agreement that was created by the Wisconsin state legislature in summer of 2023. Now, to bring this total to 8.4% as pointed out above, there is a 0.5% Milwaukee County Exposition Tax that actually goes back to 1994 when the current Milwaukee convention center, then known as the “Midwest Express (airlines) Center” was created. The tax works like this, if a sale of alcoholic beverages is for consumption on the seller’s premises in Milwaukee County, it is subject to the 0.5% food and beverage tax. This said tax also applies to soft drinks, prepared food and candy within the limits of Milwaukee County.

It is hoped that this article sheds some much needed light on what you pay when you decide to purchase & consume alcohol in Milwaukee’s baseball stadium.

*Barring any would be special/limited time prices. #Some exceptions apply

Visit to support Leinie’s strikers

Some Milwaukee baseball stadium beer vendors donated proceeds from their shandy sales.

On a hot July 28th afternoon, Drinks In The Seats® arrived to greet many of the 40 or so strikers to give them “meal packs” & other DITS parafernalia that were paid for by the commissioned proceeds of some of the drink sales made possible from games played in the previous Milwaukee homestand which concluded earlier in the week.

The strike by the “Leinie’s” brewery workers (represented by Teamsters Local 662) in Chippewa Falls, WI that began July 10th is said to be mainly because of the inequitable wage increases and don’t keep pace with the rate of inflation.

The two conflicts that the Milwaukee baseball stadium beer vendors found themselves in at the start of the first Milwaukee homestand since the strike first began was that 1) Union sponsored secondary boycotts are illegal in most cases under the National Labor Relations Act (with these beer vendors represented by Workers United 122, vendors choosing not to carry the shandy that is brewed at the referred to brewery would’ve been an illegal act) and 2) The beer vendors were reminded by their employer (the Milwaukee baseball stadium concessionaire) prior to the start of the first game of that said homestand that the concessionaire needs to continue to fulfill their commitment that was made to the clients, so vendors choosing to sell replacement products such as water &/or soft drinks under the interpretation of an “individual boycott” might have resulted in disciplinary action with the employer.

For this year, in-seat alcohol vendors at the Milwaukee baseball stadium regularly carry six different products from the parent company of the strikers which includes shandy. In addition, other vendors will sell long island ice tea varieties exclusively during events there.

DockHounds ballpark review

The Lake Country DockHounds, a professional baseball organization (in the American Association of Professional Baseball) recently started playing in their new stadium called Wisconsin Brewing Company Park at “Commerce Center at Pabst Farms” located on the south side of Interstate 94 & just west of State Hwy 67 in Oconomowoc, WI. (slideshow below)

I recently attended a game and came up with a real quick & spotty review of the facility, our third such review. For one, and yes we are naturally bias on this, but there are no in-seat beer vendors. In fact, there are no in-seat vendors period. To get this off of our chests now, this park needs beer vending! After all, we are Drinks In The Seats!

You certainly can get alcohol though, as you walk in through the front gate, there is a long bar that you just cannot miss. The ballpark was well designed with every type of baseball fan in mind, on the other side of that bar is an area with picnic tables just behind the backstop. There was even a basketball court within the premises and people were playing.

The food selection however was rather limited, I ordered a hamburger & a diet soda but fries were not available. There, however were at least three concession stands spaced evenly throughout the place with the main one by the bar in a tunnel.

Plenty of parking was available at $5.00 a car. Other than no beer vendors being employed there and with the limited menu, the only other bad mark I’d give is that the PA system was a little too loud. Here is a link to the last ballpark review we did three years ago on Milkmen ballpark review

3rd annual Zoom Meeting(s)

Two meetings to choose from. Short agenda below Open to all active Milwaukee Vendors from 2019

Topic: 3rd annual DITS meeting (Matinee)
Time: Dec 30, 2021 12:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 891 6984 2224
Passcode: (private, refer to your postcard or

Dial by your location+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago area)

Meeting ID: 891 6984 2224
Passcode: (private, refer to your postcard or


Topic: 3rd annual DITS meeting (Evening)
Time: Dec 30, 2021 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 821 8783 1299
Passcode: (private, refer to your postcard or

Dial by your location
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

Meeting ID: 821 8783 1299
Passcode: (private, refer to your postcard or

Ryan Strnad will host both meetings. Officials from Workers United #122; Joan Olson (rep) & Steve Carlovsky will be invited. We’ll do a year in review, take questions, comments & concerns, discuss new business. Information involving upcoming CBA between union & employer may be limited provided if negotiations are underway. Take input on the upcoming Milwaukee Mayoral race. Also, reports from Jim Kznarich’s funeral & Ryan’s recent visit with former union leader, Sam Gallo.

National Zoom Meetings

We’re going national! On the evening of Monday, February 15th. We will be holding two 1:15 long “introductory” meetings. This is just to introduce ourselves (more in person than knowing us on social media) as well as of course, receive input, discuss vending matters, listen to opinions, etc. Hope you can make it! Note, the different login info (and each meeting is catered to eastern time & pacific time zones) for each of the two meetings, but open to all participants!

Topic: Drinks In The Seats – introductory meeting for vendors nationwide (early time zones)
Time: Feb 15, 2021 8:30 PM Eastern Time/ 7:30 PM Central Time/ 5:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting “electronically”

Meeting ID: 798 493 9636
Passcode: Posted from the Drinks In The Seats account on WVotW FB page or the AWVoA FB page (under Ryan Strnad’s post), or go to and request it. (Passcodes from two meetings differ slightly).
One tap mobile
+19292056099,,7984939636#,,,,422329# US (New York) +13017158592,,7984939636#,,,,422329# US (Washington DC)

“Phone-in option” Dial by your location
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
Meeting ID: 798 493 9636*
Passcode: Posted from the Drinks In The Seats account on WVotW FB page or the AWVoA FB page (under Ryan Strnad’s post), or go to and request it.
Find your local number:

*If it (then) asks you for a “participant i.d.” you can skip right over that by pressing the # key, you should be able to skip over this request on the computer options as well. It’s not needed.


Topic: Drinks In The Seats – introductory meeting for vendors nationwide (late time zones)
Time: Feb 15, 2021 7:00 PM Pacific Time/ 8:00 PM Mountain Time/ 10:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting “electronically”

Meeting ID: 950 8465 7423
Passcode: Posted from the Drinks In The Seats account on WVotW FB page or the AWVoA FB page (under Ryan Strnad’s post), or go to and request it. (Passcodes from two meetings differ slightly).
One tap mobile
+13126266799,,95084657423#,,,,083562# US (Chicago) +19292056099,,95084657423#,,,,083562# US (New York)

“Phone-in option” Dial by your location
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
Meeting ID: 950 8465 7423*
Passcode: Posted from the Drinks In The Seats account on WVotW FB page or the AWVoA FB page (under Ryan Strnad’s post), or go to and request it.
Find your local number:

*If it (then) asks you for a “participant i.d.” you can skip right over that by pressing the # key, you should be able to skip over this request on the computer options as well. It’s not needed.

New to Zoom? View this video or contact for assistance. “See” you there!